As so Wikipedia says Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial gain. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development, and is often intended to promote goodness or to improve human quality of life. Volunteering may have positive benefits for the volunteer as well as for the person or community served. It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment.
Forgive me reaching to Wiki, but 'volunteering' is one of those words everyone knows the meaning and nobody thinks about them deeper unless necessary.
In some places Volunteer's Day went by unnoticed, but it doesn't mean your help is any less important. And, above all, should you contribute and share with others to be noticed or just from simple need of your heart? Think about it for a moment. But then, when you give, you also get something. For me it's an exchange working both ways. In and out, however with no expectations attached.
EVS: Gretel, Melaine and Natalia. We had coffee, cookies, laughter and an opportunity to share our experiences, talk what volunteering means for us, and well... it is pretty amazing to be in another country (if you want to try yourself -> check out the
I'm not going to bore you to death how the meeting go: it was short and pleasant. We got some gadgets (pens and notebooks!), got too sign a message for future volunteers in a book, talked and after the formal part was over, Diana and Helder took us to try bolas de berlin (heaven in your mouth!), walked around, had dinner and see the church on the top of the hill. A beautiful day for which we are absolutely grateful.
It's not fair to tell for everyone, but I feel here like a part of big family. It couldn't be more perfect. Thank you, to all of you!
And say hi to fabulous Diana, one of our coordinators (Helder is in the background ^^)! Love you!